Ranger 3

Table of Contents

Ranger 3 is a very early PCB design tool from SeeTrax. It appears to have been replaced by the SeeTrax CAE package, but the company still provides some support.

Generating Gerbers and Drills

We need a zip file containing gerber layers in RS-274X Extended format along with an Excellon/NC drill file.

One of the gerber layers should contain a watertight board outline by itself without any measurements, text, or fab notes. We use this layer to calculate your board cost, and to mill your board.

Ranger 3 doesn’t automatically include the tool sizes in the Drill Data.txt file, so we have instructions for adding them manually from the drill tool info.txt file.

Finally, we need the files renamed to match our suggested naming pattern so we can detect each layer correctly. You can leave out the readme and drill tool info.txt files.

List of renamed files, ready to be zipped for upload.