Drill File CAM Configuration

To configure the NC Drill options, select the Drill Data [Through-Hole] layer.

On the Output tab, set the following options:

  • select Excellon, and click Device Setup. These options are suggested for our service. Drill Configuration
  • Plot Type: Drill Device Setup

On the Layers tab, select the following options:

  • Plated Holes
  • Unplated holes

On the Settings, tab uncheck the following options

  • Plated board outlines
  • Unplated board outlines

If checked, these outline options add outline data to your drills. In all cases, this data is incorrect, and may result in unintended holes or routing on your board edge. In some cases, they can generate unwanted shorts on fabricated boards.


The following image shows a properly aligned drill file, and should resemble your previews when uploading your board. If anything looks strange, consult our Drill Troubleshooting Guide for some tips or email [email protected] for assistance.

Correctly Aligned Drills